Certified Accounting & Payroll Training
AGT Service Provider (Pty) Ltd is a registered ATC (Approved Training Center) for SAGE Pastel Accounting and SAGE Pastel Payroll.
SAGE Pastel Accounting - Bookkeeping Fundamentals
By completing our two-day Sage Pastel Accounting Bookkeeping Fundamentals course and passing your exam, you will be certified with a certificate of competency relating to basic bookkeeping skills, terms, and concepts.
Covered in this course:
Introduction to Bookkeeping
VAT (Value Added Tax)
Source Documents
Subsidiary Journals
Bank Reconciliations
General Ledger
Trail Balance
Statement of Comprehensive Income
Statement of Financial Position
SAGE Pastel Accounting - Intermediate
By completing our four-day Sage Pastel Accounting Intermediate course and passing your exam, you will be certified with a certificate of competency which is aligned with the following
Unit Standards:
12991 - Working with information technology in an accounting environment - NQF5
117736 - Recording business financial transactions - NQF4
234944 - Administer accounts receivable and accounts payable on the system - NQF4
Covered in this course:
Installing SAGE Pastel Accounting
Working in the Demo Company
Creating a New Company
Using Auto Setup
Edit Customer Menu
Edit Supplier Menu
Edit Inventory and General Ledgers
Creating and Editing Accounts and Inventory
Second Month Trading
Sundry Optimization
SAGE Pastel Accounting - Advance
By completing our two-day Sage Pastel Accounting Advance course and passing your exam, you will be certified with a certificate of competency.
Covered in this course:
Advanced Functions in the File Menu
Advanced Functions in the Setup Menu
Advanced Customer Functions
Advanced Supplier Functions
Advanced Change Menu Functions
Advanced Utility Functions
Advanced Report Writing
SAGE Pastel Payroll & HR - Introduction to Payroll Administration & Legislation - Module 1
SAGE Pastel Payroll & HR is divided into 4 different modules. You will have to complete all 4 modules to be able to write exams. Once you pass your exam, you will be certified as a Payroll Administrator (PCA)
The first module is a one-day course.
Covered in this course:
Introduction to Payroll Administration & Legislation
Basic Conditions of Employment Act
Income Tax Act
Unemployment Insurance Fund Act
Skills Development Act
Compensation of Occupational Injuries & Diseases Act
Employment Equity Act
SAGE Pastel Payroll & HR - Principles of Payroll Taxes - Module 2
SAGE Pastel Payroll & HR is divided into 4 different modules. You will have to complete all 4 modules to be able to write exams. Once you pass your exam, you will be certified as a Payroll Administrator (PCA)
The second module is a one-day course.
Covered in this course:
Income Tax Act
Factors influencing the Tax Calculation
Taxation rules of different types of employees
Remuneration - Earnings
Remuneration - Fringe Benefits
Medical Aid
Calculating Tax
Employment Tax Incentive
SAGE Pastel Payroll & HR - Payroll Processing - Module 3
SAGE Pastel Payroll & HR is divided into 4 different modules. You will have to complete all 4 modules to be able to write exams. Once you pass your exam, you will be certified as a Payroll Administrator (PCA)
The third module is a two-day course.
Covered in this course:
Getting started with SAGE Pastel Payroll & HR
Setting up your company
Setting up employees
Setting up payslips
Processing your payroll
Batch transactions
SAGE Pastel Payroll & HR - Examination Prep - Module 4
SAGE Pastel Payroll & HR is divided into 4 different modules. You will have to complete all 4 modules to be able to write exams. Once you pass your exam, you will be certified as a Payroll Administrator (PCA)
The fourth module is a one-day course.
Covered in this course:
Review Modules 1 - 3