Strategic Planning
By completing our 1-day Strategic Planning Skills course, you will be certified with a certificate of attendance.
Covered in this course:
What is Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning & Management
Planning Framework
Strategic Thinking vs Strategic Planning
Strategy Disruption
Strategic Themes
Strategic Balance Scorecard
Strategy Maps
Strategic Planning Letdowns
Successfully Implementing a Strategy
By completing our two-day Administration Skills courses, you will be certified with a certificate of attendance.
Covered in this course:
What is Administration
Difference between Management and Administration
Different types of Administrators
The Art of Good Administration
Skill Set
Become an Effective Administrator
Information Technology
Introduction to Computers
Programs and Office Automation
Legal & Privacy
Telephone Etiquette
Filing Systems
Business Language & Letter Writing
Front Office
Health & Safety
By completing our 1-day Health & Safety Skills course, you will be certified with a certificate of attendance.
Covered in this course:
Health & Safety in the Workplace
Human Rights in the Workplace
Importance of Health & Safety in the Workplace
Breaching Health & Safety Regulations
Health & Safety Policy
Basic Responsibilities
Managers and Supervisors
Health & Safety Committee
Risk Identification
Risk Reporting
Risk Assessment
Improving Health & Safety in the Workplace
By completing our two 1 day Marketing Skills courses, you will be certified with a certificate of attendance.
Covered in this course:
Basics of Marketing
Purpose of Marketing
Responsibilities of Sales & Marketing
Marketing Utilities & Techniques
Functions of Marketing
Difference between Selling & Marketing
Customer Needs
Marketing Concepts
Societal Marketing Concept ​
Marketing Concept
Production Concept
Product Concept
Marketing Strategies
Marketing Plan
Marketing Tools
Marketing Mix
Promotional Mix
Marketing Mix vs Promotional Mix
Marketing Goals
The Role & Effects of CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Selling for the First Time
Improve Sales Performance